

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Japan looks to India as a team mate

News Today reports here :
Though China is marching ahead in economic growth, India has an edge with better governance, even as its society is oriented towards religious and spiritual enhancement, said Masayuki Tsuchikawa, Consul General of Japan in Chennai.

'The Indian government has to fill the gaps in the misconceptions on its people in foreign countries to attract more capital. An international broadcasting channel to woo foreign investors, like the one in China, could be started,' he said at a lecture on 'Indo-Japan Relations: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Visit and After' organised by the Indo-Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IJCCI) yesterday.

Stating the visit of Koizumi in April 2005 coincided with changing power, he insisted that Japan, India and China have to renew their relationships to maintain balance of power in global geopolitics. 'Though Koizumi had indepth discussion on an entire gamut of bilateral relations, regional and international issues of mutual interest, India is still an unfamiliar country for many Japanese people and companies,' Tsuchikawa noted.
Not to mention that Japan would like a counterbalance to the Chinese...

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