

Friday, April 28, 2006

Warning Order: State Department will issue Annual Terrorism Report- expect partisan baloney to follow

ThreatsWatch does us a favor by issuing this Warning Order on the soon to be released State Department Annual Terrorism Report:
A real short note here - expect a highly politicized attack on the Bush Administration starting at just after noon today. The State Department’s annual terrorism report will show that terror attacks have risen sharply. My G-d! That’s terrible! How could that have happened?

Because Congressional legislation changed how we count. So the rise is not attributable to a rise in attacks, but that man[y] other types of violence are now included in the report. When you see the Democratic news conferences after noon today, expect that the rise in the number will be the primary talking point, with a follow-on that the Republicans are not stopping terrorism. Be prepared because it is coming.
Now let the fun begin!

I am hoping for some typical words of wisdom from Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Dem, CA. She's put the "dumb" back into politics.

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