

Friday, May 04, 2007

Future U. S. Maritime Strategy?

It's being worked on, the future Maritime Stratgy, that is, as set out here:
Navy officials are looking to adopt a new strategy for fighting terrorism over the next 15 to 20 years, said Dr. Andrew Winner, a professor of strategic studies at the Naval War College in Providence.
Winner said he and his colleagues have been working over nine months to develop a “strategic framework for thinking about what the Navy, the Marines, and the Coast Guard ought to be doing” in terms of national security. He said the last maritime security strategy was developed over 20 years ago.

“I don’t think we have a national security strategy that looks out into the future right now,” Winner said.
Traditionally, the U.S. has only faced state-based threats. Winner said these threats include North Korea, Iran and Pakistan. However, countries such as China and Russia could potentially be threats based on their relationship with the U.S. in recent years. In the ongoing India-Pakistan standoff, maintaining stability is critical, Winner said.

“Pakistan is a huge issue,” Winner said, because of the country’s ethnic makeup, nuclear capabilities and terrorist presence. Many military officials have speculated that Pakistan is where Osama bin Laden is taking refuge. Non-traditional states, such as Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Shiite radicals also pose a huge problem. ***
Q: Is the U.S. Maritime Strategy classified or is it available to the public?

A: There’s no strategy yet. The Naval War College came up with five different options, which we were able to whittle down to three plans to present to the navy. These plans are currently under review and a final strategy will be released in the fall, under the current plan. This will be a public document, upon release.

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