

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monday Reading on a Thursday

Just in time to while away the hours before the weekend's big games, I offer up some choice reading.

As always, Fred Fry leads the pack with his Maritime Monday 154 with photos from the American Canadian Caribbean Cruise line and links to all that made the news of things that float and some that don't. Anymore.

Steeljaw Scribe links into the 2009 Report on China's Military Power here. See below for Fortress Guam.

Read The Sub Report, from whence comes this link regarding China's new Hainan Island submarine base. And much more.

gCaptain has a post on Exxon Valdez - Economics and Risk On The 20th Anniversary that's worth a look in terms of consequences to an industry.

Chap hits the US Naval Institute Blog with a short look in on what some bubbleheads were doing back in the day.

Fortress Guam . . . got a good plan?

North Korea continues to play a dangerous gsme that is affecting regional power relationships.

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