

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pirate Attacks: Red Sea and Bab al Mandab

Pirate attacks continue in the Gulf of Aden areas, although the continuing high winds appear to be posing a problem for pirates in all but a few areas.

Recent NATO map of attacks:

The reddish areas show most recent attacks, listed below from NATO Shipping Centre (numnwsvwb2): SOMALIA PIRACY UPDATE as of 21 JULY 2011:
21 JULY 2011
Latitude: 13'29 N Longitude: 042' 36E
Vessel "MV F Blue" was attacked by armed skiff at approximately 1118Z. Skiff in F BLUE attack described as white hull with red zig zag on side of vessel. Skiff was reported having 8 POB. Last position of skiff 1330N 04235E.

JULY 20, 2011
Latitude: 1327 N Longitude: 04239 E
Alert Number 204 / 2011
Alert Type: ATTACK
On 20 JUL 2011 at 1548 UTC, a merchant vessel was fired upon by 6 pirates in a skiff at position 1327 N 04239E.
*** The vessel managed to evade hijack ***
The Pirate Attack Group is still in the area.

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