

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday Is Old Radio Day: Adventures in Research "Yesterday's Secret Weapon" (1943) and "Victory in the Desert" (1943)

Science and engineering or as set out here:
Adventures in Research! This is Paul Shannon bringing you another
transcribed story of science, produced as a public service, in cooperation with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories, and today telling you the story of…”

So begins Adventures in Research, a radio show broadcast from 1942 to the mid-1950s that brought listeners into the world of researchers and inventors on the brink of discovery. Broadcast by the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company (or, Group W) in partnership with Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Adventures in Research featured dramatic reenactments of historic discoveries and inventions, complete with organ accompaniment and sound effects. At just under 15 minutes a piece, these short programs were narrated by radio host Paul Shannon and written by Westinghouse physicist Dr. Phillips Thomas, whose voice was also heard on the program for a number of years.
Here are a couple of shows from the series:

Yesterday's Secret Weapon

Victory in the Desert

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