

Sunday, January 19, 2020

On Midrats 19 January 2020 - Episode 524: Mid-January Melee

Please join us at 5pm EST on 19 Jan 2020 for Midrats Episode 524: Mid-January Melee
Open mic and open topic for this week's Midrats as we cover the maritime spectrum from Chinese fisherman and their "strange" catches, to new carriers, to 1.001 things you can do with a DDG-1000.

We'll be live as always and are taking questions and topic requests ... so come join us!
If you can't catch the show live and you use Apple Podcasts, you can pick up the episode and others and add Midrats to your podcast list simply by clicking the button at the main show page - or you can just click here. Or on Spreaker. The show also is reportedly on Spotify.

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