

Saturday, January 22, 2022

On Midrats 23 January 2022 - Episode 614: Big Navy vs. Reconnaissance & Strike-Capable Drones

Please join us at 5pm EST, 23 January 2022 for Midrats Episode 614: Big Navy vs. Reconnaissance & Strike-Capable Drones

We live in an era where in the blink of an eye we've gone from flip-phones to smartphones with the capabilities of both supercomputers a generation ago and entire movie studios in your back pocket. In that same time frame, what happened to the promised integration and operational utilization of aircraft carrier based drones - or Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or whatever we are calling them this week?

This Sunday we are going to dive deep in to the topic and problem with our guests Trevor Phillips-Levine, Noah Spataro, and Andrew Tenbusch.

We will use as the starting point for our conversation their recent article in War on the Rocks, "Winged Luddites: Aviators are the Biggest Threat to Carrier Aviation."

If you miss the show live, you can pick up this episode and others and add Midrats to your podcast list simply by going to you use Apple Podcasts here. Or on Spreaker. Or on Spotify.

Oh, that lower photo? Why that's the Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter (DASH). A drone that was first operated by the fleet in 1963 and used for a myriad of purposes until it left the U.S. fleet in 1970. See here. Just in case it might be discussed during the show.

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