

Friday, August 10, 2007

ICC CCS Weekly Piracy Report (to 8/7/ 07)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Piracy Report (to 8/7/07) found here. Highlights include new robbery attempts off Peru and continuing pirate efforts off Somalia:
03.08.2007: 0620 UTC: 02:54N - 051:42E, 240 NM off Somali coast, Somalia. Pirates in a medium-sized craft altered towards a container ship, underway. As the master altered course, the craft altered her course and continued to remain on collision course with the container ship. Due to the large difference in speeds between the two ships, the pirate craft aborted her attempt.
29.07.2007: 1020 UTC: Posn 00:27:5S – 049:36:4E, 270NM Off Somali coast, Somalia. A suspicious craft followed a bulk carrier underway for 4 hours. The craft failed to reply on VHF and did not transmit any AIS data. As the master altered course to move away from the craft, the craft aborted the chase and proceed towards the Somali coast. After a few hours, the same craft started following the bulk carrier again. She followed the bulk carrier for about 3 hours and when the master once again took evasive action, the craft aborted her attempt and altered towards the Somali coast.

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