

Sunday, January 21, 2018

On Midrats 21 January 2018 - Episode 420: Surface Readiness; History, Causes, & Cures with Kevin Eyer

Please join us at 5pm EST on 21 January 2108 for Midrats Episode 420: Surface Readiness; History, Causes, & Cures with Kevin Eyer:
After the events of the last year in WESTPAC, there is general agreement that there is
U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Aaron Van Driessche
something wrong with our surface force. There have always been "incidents" involving warships - including tremendous loss of life. This time, things seem different - and we are still only in the beginning of a general reassessment of what needs to be done to make our surface navy better.

Our guest this week to explore these and related issues will be Kevin Eyer, CAPT USN (Ret.). As a starting off point, we will review his JAN 2018 article in the US Naval Institute, Proceedings, What Happened To Our Surface Forces?

Kevin is a retired Surface Warfare Captain and the son of a Surface Warfare Captain. He graduated from Penn State, after which he served in seven cruisers, ultimately commanding three; Thomas S. Gates, Shiloh and Chancellorsville. He has served on the Navy Staff, the Joint Staff, and he attained his masters degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, at Tufts University. Captain Eyer is a frequent contributor to Proceedings Magazine, and a regular commentator on Navy issues.
Join us live if you can or pick the show up later by clicking here. Or you can also pick the show up later by visiting either our iTunes page or our Stitcher page.

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