

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Vio Con Dios, Tom RIdge

HoustonChronicle.com - Homeland security secretary Tom Ridge resigns.

I don't blame him. Getting a handle on the merging of all the agencies that fall under the new Department of Homeland Security would wear anyone out. He did an excellent job in trying to put together some of the most difficult agencies...

Whether or not there ought to be a DHS? It's too late to worry about it.

Thanks for your service, Mr. Ridge.

Update: The Diplomad take is in their headline "Homeland Security's Ridge: Doing A Great Job That Should Not Exist."

They also caution (I think) against moving too fast on the Intelligence bill:
The creation of DHS is not unlike the current rush to "reform" the intel agencies and create a Spy Czar. All too often the demand to do "something" results in redesigning the wiring diagram, moving boxes, and creating new jobs with new titles. At times that is needed, rarely, however, is that the "solution."
(See my earlier discussion on the intel bill here)

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