

Monday, March 14, 2005

Pirates Kidnap 2 Japanese, 1 Filipino off Malaysia

Japan Today reports 2 Japanese, 1 Filipino grabbed by pirates off Malaysia
Two Japanese and one Filipino were captured Monday in an attack by pirates on a Japanese-registered Idaten tugboat in Malaysian territorial waters, the Japan Coast Guard said.

The International Maritime Bureau said the incident took place in the Malacca Strait. Japan asked Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore for help in rescuing them, the coast guard said....Idaten crew said that more than 10 pirates armed with rocket launchers attacked their 42.55-meter tugboat, causing damage to the ship's body.

Rocket launchers again? See my earlier post on the hijacking of a gas tanker in the Malacca Strait by "35 gunmen armed rocket launchers"...

Kidnappers- getting money to finance what?

And how many incidents create a pattern?

Update: And check From a Singapore Angle's post, especially the update from the Strait Times.

Update: Indonesian Navy to pursue pirates as reported here and here

Update: The tug:

Japan says it is doing its utmost to secure the release of two Japanese and one Filipino who were kidnapped by armed pirates from 'Idaten', seen here, a Japanese-registered tugboat in the Malacca Strait(AFP/Jiji Press/HO)

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