

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sea Power Interviews Adm. Clark

Very interesting and presented by theNavy League. His final words:
What are you going to miss the most after your retirement?

CLARK: The people. I have loved this experience. I never thought I would get a chance to do something like this. What a thrill it is to rub elbows with people who believe in the lifestyle of the service and are willing to commit themselves to the principles and the values that this nation holds dear. I’m going to miss that something awful.

I love the tone of it. I love being in a Navy that has the longest waiting list to get in that we’ve ever had. I love being in the Navy where you’ve got to compete to be part of this team. I love being part of an organization where people care about themselves and others. At one point, the Chief of Naval Personnel came over and said retention was 82 percent. When I first came in the service, it was 7 percent.

It’s that way today because the Navy is a great place to be. We’ve studied the Gen-X (those born between 1965 and 1975) and Gen-Y and the Millennials (birthdates from 1980-2000). Young people today want a chance to prove what they can do. We promise to give them a chance.
Best Navy - ever.

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