

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

An Interesting Look at the "Risk-Denying" White House

Tying in the Iran Deal and the President's Clean Power Plan might seem a stretch, but Bob Tippee of the Oil and Gas Journal sees a connection:

And, while this video by Nick Snow of the same publication doesn't quite plow the same field, it shows that in the seemingly never-ending quest to "fix" our environment, the need for sound cost-benefit analysis should play a major role:

How decisions can be made or validated without considering risks and costs is troubling question for this administration.

We've seen the consequences of taking action based solely on a political agenda issues without looking at all risks and costs played out in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, ISIS, medical coverage, race relations and other areas.

Calling people who demand such analysis "crazies" is not a sign of mature leadership.

Or any leadership, really.

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