

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Somali Pirate "Navy" on the Move

Pirated vessels at sea 30 Dec 10 (except Golden)
 As noted in my earlier post, the Somali pirates have begun to use up to six pirated vessels as a sort of ad hoc "navy" to transport their strike force (speed boats) to major shipping lanes and to areas less impacted by weather. NATO is offering up some tracking info to warn mariners to be on the watch for these mother ships throughout the Indian Ocean. Now, as Reported by NATO Shipping Centre:
Alert update 29/12/10 1335 UTC


Motivator is reported in the area of 15°21N 057°52E

Golden Wave
York (00°28N 059°44E) and Golden Wave (NO Position) are assessed to be heading out to the deep Somali Basin, maybe the shipping lanes east of 60°E.

Hannibal II
Hannibal II (11°49N 055°39E) heading towards the coast of Somalia.
Thor Nexus

Thor Nexus, 150NM south of Socotra,

EMS River
EMS River (15°21N 057°52E) coming from the Arabian Sea

Polar (03°50S 051°42E)

Shiuh Fu No.1 (19°01S 052°41E) from the Madagascar area, maybe heading back to the anchorage off Somalia.

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