

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Somali Pirates: Activity Since 10 Dec 10

Somali Pirate Activity Areas 10 Dec-14 Dec 2010. Distance Point A to Point B is approx 2400 miles. Attack farthest east of Somali took place about 1000 miles off Somalia.

From the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Inteligence:
Anti Shipping Activity

Type of Search:   All Anti-Shipping Activity Messages
Pirate Attacks North Indian Ocean 10-14 Dec 2010
Pirate Attacks Eastern Mid-Indian Ocean 10-14 Dec 2010
Date Search:   None
Sort Order:   Descending Date of Occurrence
Date of Occurrence: 12/13/2019 Reference Number: 2010-527
Geographical Subregion: 62 Geographical Location: 13° 09' 00" N
48° 29' 00" E
Description: GULF OF ADEN: Merchant vessel attacked in 13-09N 048-29E at 131000Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.

Date of Occurrence: 12/13/2010 Reference Number: 2010-526
Geographical Subregion: 61 Geographical Location: 13° 14' 48" S
54° 43' 00" E
Description: WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Pirate activity in 13-14.8S 054-43.0E on 13 Dec. The area involved should be avoided if possible. This area will remain high risk for at least 24-48 hours. Caution advised.

Date of Occurrence: 12/11/2010 Reference Number: 2010-525
Geographical Subregion: 61 Geographical Location: 7° 33' 00" S
42° 05' 00" E
Description: WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Piracy action group reported in 07-33S 042-05E at 111030Z Dec. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.

Date of Occurrence: 12/11/2010 Reference Number: 2010-524
Geographical Subregion: 63 Geographical Location: 6° 11' 00" N
67° 25' 00" E
Description: SOUTHERN ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 06-11N 067-25E at 110542Z Dec. Vessels passing within 100 miles are advised to exercise extreme caution.

Date of Occurrence: 12/10/2010 Reference Number: 2010-523
Geographical Subregion: 62 Geographical Location: 20° 51' 00" N
62° 46' 00" E
Description: ARABIAN SEA: Merchant vessel attacked in 20-51N 062-46E at 101504Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.

Date of Occurrence: 12/10/2010 Reference Number: 2010-522
Geographical Subregion: 61 Geographical Location: 9° 57' 00" S
41° 46' 00" E
Description: WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN: Merchant vessel attacked in 09-57S 041-46E at 101212Z Dec. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution.

Date of Occurrence: 12/10/2010 Reference Number: 2010-528
Geographical Subregion: 61 Geographical Location: 9° 56' 00" S
41° 48' 00" E
Description: INDIAN OCEAN: A merchant vessel noted being attacked by two skiffs at 1233Z on 10 Dec in position 09-56S 041-48E, approximately 123 miles northeast of Comoros. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours.

Date of Occurrence: 12/10/2010 Reference Number: 2010-529
Geographical Subregion: 62 Geographical Location: 21° 05' 00" N
62° 44' 00" E
Description: ARABIAN SEA: A merchant vessel noted being attacked by two skifffs at 1550Z on 10 Dec in position 21-05N 062-44E approximately 200 miles southeast of Sur, Oman. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours.
From the NATO Shipping Center:
December 15 2010
WARNING Indian Ocean
Latitude: 12°07N Longitude: 060°26E
Alert Details: Alert number 540 / 2010.
At 0215 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 2 skiffs in position 1207N 06026E.
4 POB in skiffs. RPG and machine guns sighted.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
December 14 2010
Latitude: 18°27N Longitude: 061°50E
Alert number 539 / 2010.
At 0756 UTC 14 DEC 10 a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 2 skiffs in position 18 27N 061 50E.
Mothership was reported nearby. The vessel was fired upon by RPGs.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
December 14 2010
WARNING Somali Basin
Latitude: 05°28 S Longitude: 039°58 E
Alert number 538/ 2010.
At 2200 UTC / 13 DEC 10 / a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 2 x skiffs in position 05 28 S 039 58 E.
2 x speedboats were used. Shots were fired upon the vessel.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
December 13 2010
WARNING Gulf Of Aden
Latitude: 13°09N Longitude: 048°29E
Alert number 537 / 2010.
At 1000 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 1 armed skiff in position 1309 N 04829 E.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
December 11 2010
---ALERT UPDATE--- Indian Ocean
Latitude: 06°11N Longitude: 067°25E
Alert number 536/ 2010.
Reference previous Alert number 534/ 2010.
At 0542 UTC / 11 DEC 10 /a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates in position 06 11 N 067 25 E.
***This vessel has been hijacked***
December 11 2010
WARNING Somali Basin
Latitude: 07°33S Longitude: 042°05E
Alert number 535/ 2010.
At 1030UTC / 11 DEC 10 / a Pirate Action Group consisting of pirated FV was reported in position 07 33 S 042 05 E.
December 11 2010
WARNING Indian Ocean
Latitude: 06°11N Longitude: 067°25E
Alert number 534/ 2010.
At 0542UTC / 11 DEC 10 / a merchant vessel is currently under attack by pirates in position 06°11 N 067°25 E.
1 skiff with 4POB, small arms and RPG. Mother ship in vicinity of pos 3NM.
December 10 2010
---ALERT UPDATE--- Indian Ocean
Latitude: 21°09N Longitude: 062°45E
Alert number 533 / 2010.
Reference previous Alert number 532 / 2010.
At 101504 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by pirates in position 2051N 06246E.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
December 10 2010
WARNING Indian Ocean
Latitude: 20°51N Longitude: 062°46E
Alert number 532/ 2010.
At 1504 UTC / 10 DEC 10 / a merchant vessel is currently under attack by pirates in position 20°51 N 062°46 E.
December 10 2010
---ALERT UPDATE--- Somali Basin
Latitude: 10°00S Longitude: 041°51E
Alert number 531 / 2010.
Reference previous Alert number 530 / 2010.
At 101212 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by skiffs in position 0957S 04146E.
***This vessel has been hijacked***
December 10 2010
WARNING Somali Basin
Latitude: 09°57S Longitude: 041°46E
Alert number 530 / 2010.
At 1212 UTC / 10 DEC 10 / a merchant vessel is currently under attack by pirates in position 09°57S 041°46E
NATO "Alert" Areas as of 14 Dec 2010:


  1. According to Turkish Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, the hijacked Taiwanese fishing boat TAI YUAN is being used as mother ship and has been renamed as MALAYSIA 618. UMA also reports that hijaked M/V POLAR and M/V HANNIBAL II are underway and may be used as mother ships.

  2. can you explain why the latest pirate attack appears to have "occurred" in 2019 ?

  3. so it was Dec 2010 i presume...?
