

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence Piracy Info to 17 Feb 2016 and an "Advisory" About the Gulf of Guinea

From the U.S. Navy's Office of Naval Intelligence  this
Gulf of Guinea Piracy Advisory

The Office of Naval Intelligence advises all shipping entities operating in the Gulf of Guinea region to maintain vigilance in light of the on-going piracy threat. Recent activity, specifically - a tanker hijacked within the
past week off the coast of Ivory Coast, indicates pirates may be actively seeking to hijack another vessel, potentially in the near-term. The regionat-large remains at-risk to piracy although this advisory is intended to put special emphasis for ships within 100 nautical miles of Tema, Ghana; Lome,Togo; and Contonou, Benin.
Or, basically, offshore of the countries lining the Gulf of Guinea, especially those in the northern rim.

And the latest World Wide Threat to Shipping:

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