

Saturday, August 11, 2012

MidratsThis Sunday: Episode 136: Watching the Potomac Flotilla with Chris Cavas, 5pm EST

Sunday 5pm EST Episode 136: "Watching the Potomac Flotilla with Chris Cavas" 08/12 by Midrats on Blog Talk Radio:
When it comes to appreciating the importance of our Founders emphasis on a free press - in few areas is that as apparent than in national security. A free people in a Representative Republic need the best information in order to be an informed people - and it is the media who is at the point in that struggle for facts, knowledge, and keeping the powerful in check. If you've been focused on the Navy - what a fertile ground to invest your talents if you are a media professional.

Our guest for the full hour will be one of the regular names in defense reporting for a long time, Chris Cavas, Naval Affairs Correspondent & Journalist at Defense News.

From the politicians, think tanks, senior uniformed leadership, civilian policy makers, media, and the general busy bodies that keep the pot stirred, we'll discuss it all and how it impacts present and future programs and strategy.
Listen live (or later) here or on our iTunes page

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