

Thursday, August 30, 2012

West Africa Pirates: Pirated Tanker Located Off Nigeria

UPDATE: Ship reportedly has been released - and its cargo stolen - as reported here:
Pirates released a Greek-operated oil tanker seized off Togo on Tuesday after stealing 3,000 metric tons of fuel, an official at the ship's operator said on Thursday.

Hijacked Greek-run tanker located in Nigerian waters:
A Greek-operated oil tanker seized off Togo was tracked down on Wednesday off the coast of Nigeria under the control of pirates, the ship's operator and Togolese authorities said.
"The vessel is presently sailing off the coast of Nigeria under the control of pirates who have the intention to steal the cargo," Golden Energy Management said in a statement.

The firm said they were in touch with a French naval ship that was nearby.
My confused initial report of this piracy here.

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