

Friday, April 26, 2013

Midrats on 28 April 2013: Episode 173: "Back to the Littorals" with Milan Vego

U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Jan Shultis/Released
Join us this Sunday, 28 April 2013 at 5pm Eastern U.S., for Midrats Episode 173: Back to the Littorals with Milan Vego :
If the requirement is to be able to operate, fight, and win in the Littorals - is the Littoral Combat Ship the answer?

Other nations have the same requirement - yet have come up with different answers.

Are we defining our requirements properly in face of larger Fleet needs and the threats we expect?

What platforms and systems need to be looked at closer if we are to have the best mix of capabilities to meet our requirements?

Using his article in Armed Forces Journal, Go smaller: Time for the Navy to get serious about the littorals, as a stepping off place, our guest for the full hour will be Milan Vego, PhD, Professor of Joint Military Operations at the US Naval War College.
Join us live (or, if you can't listen live, listen later) by clicking here.

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