

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shocker: North Korea threatens South . . . Well, Not So Much A "Shocker" Exactly

Pretty thin-skinned those NORKs. Especially after weeks, months and years of threats to pretty much the whole world, except perhaps China, Russia, Iran and Cuba.

North Korea threatens South after protesters burn effigies of revered leaders :
North Korea’s military Tuesday threatened archrival South Korea with imminent “sledge-hammer” retaliation unless Seoul apologizes for anti-Pyongyang protestors burning effigies of its revered leaders.

South Korea called the North’s ultimatum “regrettable” and vowed a tough response to any military provocation.
"Sledge-hammer" retaliation - let's see, is that better or worse than a "nuclear sea of fire?"

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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