

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fun with Iran: "US intercepts multiple shipments of Iranian weapons going to Houthis in Yemen"

CNN reports US intercepts multiple shipments of Iranian weapons going to Houthis in Yemen
American warships have intercepted five shipments of weaponry to the Houthis in Yemen from Iran in the past year and a half, according to US Vice Admiral Kevin Donegan, who is in charge of American naval operations in the Middle East.

The first intercepted shipment was in April 2015 and since then, American ships have intercepted an additional four shipments, Donegan said.
The shipments included thousands of AK-47 automatic rifles, as well as anti-tank missiles and sniper rifles...
You know in case you were wondering about claims that Iran was backing the Houthis. Or about a proxy war for control of the entrance to the Red Sea at Bab el Mandeb.

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