

Friday, March 22, 2013

Let me compliment Philadelphia's airport security and the TSA - - Not!

From BBC News Frenchman 'posing as pilot' found in US jet cockpit:
A Frenchman has been charged with impersonating a pilot after he was found in the cockpit of a plane due to take off in Philadelphia, police say.

Philippe Jernnard, from La Rochelle, France, was wearing a shirt with an Air France logo and a blazer with epaulets.

He was discovered in the jump seat behind the pilot on a US Airways plane on Wednesday evening, an officer said.

The FBI is investigating the incident and police said they expect federal charges may be filed.
No word on whether the investigation includes the idiots who let this guy through security checks.

If there are any. Security checks, that is. There are plenty of idiots.

Being able to secure the cockpit doesn't mean much if you let strangers in there to begin with.

Oh, and ABC News reports him as "American-hating".


Of course, the TSA was probably busy hassling a wounded veteran.

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