

Monday, October 06, 2014

South China Sea Piracy? Vietnamese Tanker "Disappears" After Leaving Singapore

Reported here:
The Sunrise 689 vessel, owned by Haiphong Fisheries Shipbuilding Joint Stock Co., went missing 40 minutes after it left a Singapore port at 6 p.m.Singapore time on Oct. 2, said Nguyen Van Phuong, an official with the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

© martin klingsick

"The vessel was carrying 5,226 metric tons of oil products and should have arrived in Quang Tri province on Sunday as scheduled," Mr. Phuong told The Wall Street Journal.

A company official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the vessel is missing, but declined to give further details.
Okay, small tanker headed into the South China Sea and right into an area where small tankers have been nabbed, emptied of cargo and released. Hmm.

40 minutes? You probably could have seen her from the beach . . .

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