

Friday, January 18, 2008

Chokepoints again

This time from the Jakarta Post, here:
n a report this month on six key world oil transit chokepoints, including the Hormuz strait and the Malacca and Singapore straits, the U.S.' Energy Information Administration noted that around half the world's oil was moved by tankers on fixed maritime routes and often had to pass through a number of narrow channels, either straits or canals.

"The blockage of a chokepoint can lead to substantial increases in total energy costs," the EIA said. "In addition, chokepoints leave oil tankers vulnerable to theft, terrorist attacks, and political unrest in the form of wars or hostilities and shipping accidents which can lead to disastrous oil spills."
Direct shot to the EIA report here. I've linked to it before, but somethings are worth repeating.

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