Today at 5pm Eastern (U.S.), it's a special anniversary show! Join us at
Midrats Episode 105 for a sort of a cocktail party conversation.Or, as CDR Salamander put it:
Yes friends, believe it or not we are on our 105th episode!
Two years behind us, and a third in front. Though we already have some great guests lined up in the upcoming weeks, as a way of saying thanks to everyone for tuning in, for our 2nd Anniversary show we are going to try something a little different - we are going to turn the tables on ourselves.
This time, it is our friends, listeners and regular guests who will get to ask the questions and visit for awhile.
What would you like the hosts to talk about? Is there a topic you would like us to address that we don't? Well here is your chance.
Look at the top of the showpage - that's our call in number.
Remember, click
here to join in the fun.
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