

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gulf of Guinea Pirates: Regional Center Promised to Fight GOG Pirates

Shades of the Southeast Asia Regional Counter-Piracy Center (ReCAAP), news
headlined :
GOG Area Reported Pirate Attacks (IMB)
"African states join forces to tackle piracy"
West and central African nations have agreed to create a regional centre for co-ordinating the fight against a sharp rise in piracy in the Gulf of Guinea that is jeopardising the shipping of commodities in the region.

The Gulf of Guinea, which includes Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast, is a major source of oil and cocoa and increasingly metals for world markets.

Pirate attacks in the region, mainly carried out by armed Nigerian gangs, have almost doubled from last year, jacking up insurance costs.

The main purpose of the new centre, to be based in Cameroon, will be intelligence gathering and research, according to an agreement signed at a summit of regional leaders in the Cameroonian capital Yaounde.
The regional ops center has worked well in the Strait of Malacca area.

Let's see how it goes in the GOG.

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