

Monday, May 02, 2016

Attacks from the Sea on Cruise Ships, Tankers and Other Things

In researching questions for Captain Bob Hein and our Midrats show Episode 330: Terrorists on the Ocean, I was struck by the number of incidents that ought to act as a warning that terrorist attacks are already being made.

I include 3 Hollywood movies, one based on a real event, the others, well, food for thought.

I'm sure with time I can add many, many more.

Assault on a Queen
A motley crew of treasure hunters plan to rob the cruise-liner RMS Queen Mary, using a recovered WW2 German submarine.

Speed 2
A computer hacker breaks into the computer system of the Seabourn Legend cruise liner and sets it speeding on a collision course into a gigantic oil tanker.

ISIS Rocket Attack on Ship 2015

The Hijacking of the Achille Lauro
The story of the hijacking of the Itallian liner Achille Lauro by four militants of the Palestine Liberation Front, in 1985, who demanded the release of several Palestinians incarcerated in Israeli prisoners. On their hands, lies the fate of several passengers, many Americans included and among them, Jewish American businessman Leon Klinghoffer.

Attack on USS Cole. Midrats show with CO of Cole at time of attack Episode 121: Front Burner: The Attack on the USS COLE

Attack on oil tanker Limburg

Experts: ISIS Poses Terrorist Threat to Cruise Ships in Mediterranean

Maritime Terrorism: Risk and Liability

al Qaeda Planned to Seize Cruise Ships, Execute Passengers

Documents reveal al Qaeda's plans for seizing cruise ships, carnage in Europe

UK Naval Commander Warns that ISIS Could Target Cruise Ships in Mediterranean

A Guerilla War at Sea

Some details on the nuisance rocket attack on US ships in August (2005)

Suez canal terror attack alert (2005) Altering behavior of shipping

Video: Terrorists Launch Rocket Attack at Commercial Ship in Suez Canal 2013

Isis in the Sinai claims Egypt's vessel 'rocket attack and destruction'

A Worst Case Scenario: Guerilla Type War in the Littorals

Bomb caused Philippine ferry fire:
The 10,000 ton Superferry 14 was heading for Bacolod in the central Philippines when it caught fire, on 27 February 2004.

According to officials, 116 of the 900 people onboard are now presumed to have died, although only 63 bodies have been recovered.

The report into the fire has now concluded it was caused by "an explosive device," national police spokesman Superintendent Leopoldo Bataoil said in a statement.

Investigators believe the Superferry was targeted because its owners, WG&A, refused a request for $1m in protection money from Abu Sayyaf in 2003 .

Possible Abu Sayaff at Seat Kidnapping Off Philippines

Attack on Sri Lankan Galle Harbor and Rebel suicide blasts hit Sri Lankan resort

Sri Lanka:Terrorist/Pirate "Sea Tigers" Sunk?

Sri Lankan Navy takes on Tamil Sea Tigers

Mumbai Attack

Hezbollah Attack Using C-802 Missile

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