

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Indonesian Volcano Prompts Evacuation

Indonesian Volcano Prompts Evacuation
The 9,186-foot mountain was spewing ash some 1,600 feet into the air Tuesday, though on Monday the ash reached twice as high, said Surono, an official at a government-run volcano center.

"However, we are still monitoring the mountain," said Surono, who goes by a single name.

About 25,000 residents from five villages around the volcano have been evacuated to nearby Solok district, said district chief Djamawan Fauzi. Many are returning to their homes during the day to tend crops and look after their animals, another official said.

"The volcano has not yet spewed lava from the crater, but in order to anticipate such an incident, we have evacuated those living around the mountain to safer areas," Fauzi said.
Indonesia has it all.

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