

Friday, April 29, 2005

Latest ONI World Wide Threat to Shipping Posted

Last ONI World Wide Threat to Shipping posted here (click on 27 Apr 05 date to open). Highlights:
1. IRAQ: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 22 Apr at 2350 local time in position 29:37N, 048:45.7E, Umm Qasr anchorage. Three robbers, armed with guns and a knife boarded the vessel using hooks attached to ropes. They took several crewmembers
hostage, assaulted them, and demanded money. They took crew
one by one to their cabins and stole cash and personal belongings. They also stole money from the ship's safe and master's personal belongings. They disembarked in a 5m long wooden boat waiting with an accomplice. Master reported incident to coalition warships in the area (IMB).

1. STRAIT OF MALACCA: An unidentified container ship was
approached 24 Apr at 1050 local time while underway in position
02:48.56N, 101:03.0E. A speedboat approached the container ship and altered course to port but then suddenly increased speed and headed for the ship. Master raised alarm and crew mustered. The approaching boat reduced speed and moved away. The speedboat was 7 to 8 meters in length, white hull, one dark outboard motor, dark sunroof, and had four to six persons wearing dark clothes (IMB)...

8. INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 23 Apr at
1950 UTC while at Belawan anchorage. One robber, armed with a long knife, boarded a tanker at forecastle while another robber climbed up the anchor chain. Duty seaman challenged the robbers and raised alarm. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a speedboat waiting with two additional accomplices. Port authorities were informed (IMB)...

9. INDONESIA: An unidentified general cargo ship was boarded 22 Apr at 0500 while underway in position 00:27.1S, 105:09.0E, off Lingga Islands. Pirates, armed with guns, then ordered the crew to sail the tin-laden ship to Pasir Gudang port, in Malaysia's southern Jahor state. The vessel docked in Pasir Gudang port for two days while the crew unloaded the tin into a warehouse under threat of being killed if they didn't cooperate. On 25 Apr, the pirates ordered the ship back to Indonesian waters and escaped in a speedboat, leaving the crew uninjured. After the incident was reported, authorities checked the warehouse and found the cargo of tin intact; investigation continues. ONI NOTE: This incident appears to represent a return to a form of piracy not reported since China's crackdown on Black Market activity, wherein a ship is targeted for seizure at its load port and the cargo is taken to some destination where arrangements for disposal have already been concluded. The complexity of the operation suggests transnational players at the ship selection and cargo-disposal ends of the operation. Crew and ship owner complicity cannot be ruled out, since they have no immediate financial interest in the cargo, per se (IMB, LL, ONI, REUTERS) (emphasis added)...

25. SOUTH CHINA SEA: An unidentified bulk carrier was
approached 25 Apr at 0315 local time while underway in position
07:15.4N, 108:20.4E. Persons in two fishing boats attempted to
board the carrier by tying ropes to ship's side. Attempt foiled (IMB).
My posting on "tin ship" action here.

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