

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Somali Pirates: UN Report Says Somali Pirates Growing Menace

Entire report here:
The menace of piracy off the coast of Somalia was outpacing international efforts to stem it, B. Lynn Pascoe, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, told the Security Council today, emphasizing: "Warships alone will not solve the problem."

Briefing the Council on the situation in Somalia, Mr. Pascoe said: "We need to continue to fight this battle in the broadest manner, focusing simultaneously on deterrence, security and the rule of law, as well as providing economic alternatives for Somali youth. We must also make piracy and robbery off the coast of Somalia costly by addressing impunity and building the capacity of the Transitional Federal Government to expand its authority and deal with law and order."

Presenting the Secretary-General's report on the situation in Somalia (document S/2010/556), he described the numbers as "appalling", citing International Maritime Organization (IMO) reports that more than 438 seafarers and passengers as well as 20 ships were held by pirates as of 4 November, an increase of almost 100 kidnapping victims in less than a month. Pirates were also taking greater risks and seeking higher ransoms, he said, recalling that just a few days ago, pirates had "brazenly" attacked a European Union warship escorting supplies for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). The assault had been mounted from a large freighter, itself seized about a month ago, he said, pointing out that such actions continued to have serious effects on regional economies and those of the wider world.

He said the problems would be worse if not for the "very considerable" international anti-piracy efforts. Member States had put in place a strong naval presence with an unprecedented level of coordination among naval forces in the area. International naval coalitions off the Somali coast had disrupted more pirate operations and protected more vessels than ever before, amid increasing implementation of self-protection recommendations developed by the shipping industry and the IMO, he said. "But much more effort is required to tackle the root causes of piracy. Fighting piracy demands simultaneous action on three fronts: deterrence; security and the rule of law; and development."
Video is from IMB maps and assembled here.

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