

Monday, April 17, 2006

India donates ship to Maldives

Reported here:
The Government of India today gifted its naval ship INS Tillanchang to the Government of Maldives. The official ceremony to hand over the craft was held this morning at the Maldives Ports Authority pier. The craft was handed over to the NSS Coast Guard by Indian Defence Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee. The vessel was accepted on behalf of the Government of Maldives by the Minister of Defence and National Security, Mr. Ismail Shafeeu.
The ship’s new commissioning plaque was unveiled by the President. The ship was reincarnated under the Maldives flag. It was renamed, ‘Huravee’.
More info on the Fast Patrol Vessel here.

Photo is of INS Tarasa from the same class of patrol ships.

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