

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nigeria: Sea Robbers Attack Norwegian-flagged Ship

Robbery off Nigeria:
Armed pirates raided a Norwegian freighter in Nigerian waters on Tuesday, officials said.

Norwegian company Spar Shipping AS, which owns the 53,000 dead weight tonnes Spar Gemeni [NB: Gemini?] vessel, confirmed the raid occured and that the crew were again "in control of the ship".

Nils Ole Sunde, sea controller at Norway's maritime Joint Rescue Coordination Centre, said his office received an alarm at 3:15 a.m. (0115 GMT) that pirates had boarded the ship.

"At 6:45, we heard the armed pirates had left the vessel. There were no serious injuries on board. They normally come on board to take money and valuables but it's not immediately clear what was taken," Sunde told Reuters.
Spar Shipping vessel list here. More info (and photo credit) here.

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