

Friday, July 02, 2010

Somali Pirates: Irish Troops Train Somali Anti-Pirate Forces

Reported here:
Irish troops are training 2,000 soldiers to help fight Somali pirates who have plagued international shipping.

The five Irish soldiers, who include a member of the Army Rangers, are giving the Somali troops the skills to fight effectively. They are carrying out the training at an army base in Uganda — which is considered safer than war-torn Somalia.
Commandant Ronan Corcoran said one of the key aims was to improve the fighting skills of the troops so they could tackle the activities of Somali pirates on land.

“Until there is security on the ground, they can’t be security at sea because these pirates have to come back into ports,” he said.
An EU effort, the thinking behind which is sound - defeat the pirates ashore while doing what another part of the effort the EU is undertaking - blockading the pirate ports, as set out here.

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