

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Book Plug: "Maritime Private Security: Market responses to piracy, terrorism and waterborne security risks in the 21st century"

Off the presses of Taylor and Francis -Maritime Private Security: Market responses to piracy, terrorism and waterborne security risks in the 21st century", edited by Patrick Cullen and Claude Berube:
This book examines the evolution, function, problems and prospects of private security companies in the maritime sector.
Foreword Rear Admiral (Ret.) Terence McKnight
Part I: The Historical and Contemporary Market in Maritime Private Security Services

1. Introduction: The Post-Cold War Growth of Maritime Private Security Claude Berube and Patrick Cullen
2. The United States and Maritime Private Security from the War of Independence to the 21st Century James Carafano
3. Surveying the Market in Maritime Private Security Services Patrick Cullen
4. Private Gunboats on the Horizon? Private Security and Contemporary Naval Presence Christopher Spearin

Part II: The Emergence of Privatized Anti-Piracy Escorts in the Commercial Sector5. Commercial Anti-Piracy Escorts in the Malacca Straits Area Caroline Liss

6. Private Security at Sea: A Customer’s Perspective Gordan van Hook
7. Anti-Piracy Escorts in the Gulf of Aden: Problems and Prospects Claude Berube
8. Legal Considerations for Private Naval Company Armed Anti-Piracy Escorts Mark Tempest

Part III: The Privatization of Coast Guard Services
9. Privatizing the Coast Guard in War-Torn Sierra Leone Patrick Cullen
10. Private Security, Maritime Protection and Surveillance in Somaliland Stig Hansen
11. Private Security Fighting Pirates and Illegal Fishing in Puntland Christopher Kinsey
12. Securing the Off-Shore Oil Industry in the Gulf of Guinea Roger Hawkes Part IV: Private Security Responses to Maritime Terrorism
13. Maritime Terrorism: Scope, Potential Threat of Contingencies and the Role of Private Security Compnaies Peter Chalk
14. Commercial Risk Consulting and Management in the Maritime Sector Elke Krahmann
15. Integrating Private Security into Port Security in a Post-9/11 Environment Bill DeWitt
16. Maritime Eco-Extremism Reconsidered: Understanding Fourth Generation Eco-Warriors in the Modern Media Age Brendon J. Mills and Howard R. Ernst
Conclusion: The Future of Private Security at Sea Claude Berube and Patrick Cullen
It's a slim volume and is not a free read (a couple of tanks of gas at today's prices). There is a Kindle edition available.

A Navin R. Johnson moment, you know though -  without the sniper, please:

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