

Friday, March 16, 2012

Midrats Sunday 5pm: Episode 115 "Now Next With LtGen Van Riper" on Midrats

On Midrats, Sunday 5pm, Episode 115: "Now Next With LtGen Van Riper":
. CDR Salamander writes:
You have heard the phrase, "Well, I've seen this movie before."

After over a decade of disjointed conflict that is still yet to play out, what have we learned, what do we still need to learn, and what do we need to forget?

Has the global threat that brought about the attacks of 11 SEP 01 been reduced, have they grown, or have they morphed in to something different?

To meet the challenge ahead, are we preparing our forces best intellectually, structurally, and materially?

Do we have the command climate and culture to encourage innovative and bright leaders to shape our approach to the unexpected challenges that we will face?

Our guest for the full hour will be Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper, USMC (Ret.). He served his nation with over 41 years of commissioned and enlisted service from the Dominican Republic crisis, to Vietnam, to DESERT STORM and more through retirement in 1997.

He continues to serve his nation in both the government and private sector with a depth of experience that yes, he's "seen a lot of movies before."
You may remember him as the leader of the war game OPFOR that used "swarm tactics" to get the games of to a "bad start" for the Blue Team. That's part of a much bigger story. Tune in live by clicking >here. Or, you can't make the live show, go that site or iTunes and download the show for later listening.

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