

Sunday, April 01, 2012

April Fools on Midrats 04/01 5pm

April Fools on Midrats 04/01 by Midrats on Blog Talk Radio, 5pm Eastern:
When all else fails, we fall back on ourselves - this time on April Fool's Day. For what it is worth, there are many foolish things to discuss - the Navy's shipbuilding budget, the U.S. defense budget writ large, fueling the fleet stuff, the SecNav's idea of testing the on-coming watch sections for alcohol and drugs and much, more.
Join us by clicking here. You can call in at (347) 308-8397 and be foolish, too. UPDATE: Well, at the very last minute, CDR Salamander found us a guest, "Guest is film-maker Scott Kesterson;former soldier, Emmy award-winning filmmaker, and now military contractor working for CJ-SOTF. His next fill is, Bards of War (www.bardsofwarfilm.com) this fall," and we had a great interview with him - so, there was an April Fool - me! You can listen to the archived show here or on iTunes.

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