

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Latest ONI Worldwide Threats to Shipping Report (to 29 March 06)

The latest ONI WTSR found here, just click on the date. Highlights - lots of robberies and robbers boarding in ports and this:
2. SOMALIA: Tanker hijacked 29 Mar mid-day in Somali
territorial waters shortly after departing Ceel-Adde port in
northern Mogadishu. The tanker is reported to have recently
unloaded diesel in the port. Sources at the port are unaware if
ransom demands have yet been made. ONI Note: It is important
for vessels operating off the east cost of Somalia not to be lulled
into a false sense of security due to Coalition presence and the
recent arrests of suspected Somali pirates. Vessels should still
maintain at least a 200NM standoff when transiting off the east
coast of Somalia. Obviously, vessels calling on east coast Somali
ports are particularly vulnerable (LM, ONI).
Early reports of this tanker seizure here and here.

UPDATE: It must be noted that this capture is somewaht mysterious in that the vessel name (which has changed in reporting from article to article) does not seem to match with the data bases I have searched. Anyone have any information on the MT "Lombigo?" Reportedly the ship is UAE registered but Panamanian flagged...

UPDATE2: New report indicates the vessel is the "Lin 1." Still not tracking on any registry... UPDATE3: Ah ha, found it! - a 4004 DWT oil products tanker...

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