

Friday, September 04, 2009

MV Arctic Sea: Mysteries within mysteries

Like one of those Russian matryoshka nesting dolls where each doll contains another doll, the MV Arctic Sea saga keeps giving and giving. After a report yesterday that a Russian editor reporting on the affair had fled Russia under a threat (see here) because of his reporting on the story, a new report now suggests that reports of that journalist fleeing are, well, not quite correct see here for this Fairplay article:
A REPORT today claimed that a journalist tied to the Arctic Sea affair has fled Russia because of threats – but that account could be a hoax, Fairplay has been told.
The Moscow Times reported that Sovfrakht Maritime Bulletin journalist Mikhail Voitenko had been threatened over his coverage of the ship’s disappearance.
But Sovfrakht spokeswoman Anastasia Plovskaya told Fairplay that Voitenko is in Turkey on business; she said she had spoken to him today, and he denied comments attributed to him by the Times.
Voitenko did not respond today to telephone and email ...
I'm sure there will be more later.

UPDATE: More confusion here.

Can a book deal be in Voitenko's mind? It's a better story if he was chased out of Russia . . .

Or maybe this is all as he says.

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