G. WEST AFRICA:Hijackings marked in red by me.
1. GUINEA: Tanker fired upon 11 Oct 09 at 0012 UTC while underway in position 09:15N- 014:01W, approximately 20NM southwest of Conakry. Nine men armed with machine guns in a 15 meter length speed boat attempted to board the vessel using hooks and ladders. The master raised the alarm, activated DSC alert, increased speed, and conducted evasive maneuvers. The crew mustered and activated fire hoses. The armed men opened fire on the vessel and followed for 30 minutes before finally aborting the attempt. No injuries to the crew were reported. Port authority was contacted, but no response was received (IMB).
2. GUINEA: Tanker robbed 6 Oct 09 at 2314 UTC while drifting in position 09:08.56N -014:06.06W, approximately 30NM southwest of Conakry. Men armed with automatic rifles and pistols in one boat boarded the vessel while drifting. They stole the crew's cash and escaped. No injury to the crew was reported (IMB).
3. NIGERIA: Supply vessel robbed 28 Sep 09 close to midnight while underway in position 04:10N- 007:00E, approximately nine nautical miles off Bonny and close to the Bonny Fairway Buoy. The robbers took crew valuables (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).
4. NIGERIA: Vessel boarded 21 Sep 09 while underway outside Lagos port. Nine robbers in two boats came close to the astern of the vessel. One of the robbers managed to get onto the stern ramp recess. The crew spotted the robbers and shouted at them. Upon seeing the crew alertness, the robbers aborted their attempt and moved away (IMB).
5. NIGERIA: Cargo ship robbed 20 Sep 09 at 0815 local time while underway in position 03:59N - 006:46E, Bonny River. Six armed men boarded the vessel, stealing ship's stores and cash. They ransacked the crew cabins, stole personal belongings and left the vessel after approximately one hour. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).
6. NIGERIA: Vessel fired upon 15 Sep 09 at 1315 local time while operating near the Oron Jacket platform in the Oron field. Approximately 12 armed men in two long boats approached the vessel. The captain succeeded in contacting security vessels, who responded by exchanging gunfire with the armed robbers. The two boats eventually fled the scene. No further information was reported (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).
7. CAMEROON: Fishing vessel (ROSE III) attacked 10 Oct 09, while operating off the Bakassi Peninsula. No crewmembers were injured in the attack and the vessel was not damaged. Cameroon forces reportedly seized the men responsible for the attack (Reuters, Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).
8. CAMEROON: Fishing vessel robbed 7 Oct 09 at 0200 local time while underway near the Mandala Bakassi Peninsula. Ten robbers reportedly stole approximately 2 million francs worth of goods from the ship, including the victims' mobile telephones. Reports indicate that one of the vessel's crewmembers is missing and several others including the captain were injured in the incident (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).
1. GULF OF OMAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 11 Oct 09 at 1100 local time while underway in position 25:16.2N - 058:14.9E, approximately 30NM southeast of Jask, Iran. A white speedboat 7 meters in length approached the vessel at a speed of 14 kts. Six people were visible on the boat wearing face masks. The vessel altered its course and conducted evasive maneuvers while increasing speed. The speedboat continued to pursue for approximately 40 minutes before eventually moving away (Operator, IMB).
2. GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 12 Oct 09 at 0345 UTC while underway in position 12:15.83N - 044:04.74E. A fishing vessel closed in on the vessel underway. The master increased speed and took evasive maneuvers, raised the general alarm, and contacted coalition forces. At a distance of approximately 0.5NM, a white and blue hull skiff with five armed men was launched from the fishing vessel. The skiff approached the vessel with a speed of approximately 20 kts but stopped and abandoned the pursuit at a distance of 0.2NM. The incident lasted approximately 25 minutes.
3. GULF OF ADEN: Tanker reported suspicious approach 7 Oct 09 at 1320 local time
while underway in position 12:07N - 045:26.7E. Three skiffs approached the vessel underway. The vessel increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and enforced counter-piracy measures while contacting coalition forces. The skiffs eventually aborted their pursuit and moved away (IMB).
4. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 5 Oct 09 at 1759 UTC while underway in
position 13:39N - 050:30E. Two skiffs approached the vessel and opened fire with RPGs and automatic weapons. The master conducted evasive maneuvers and contacted coalition forces for assistance. The two skiffs eventually broke off attacks after unsuccessfully attempting to board the vessel (IMB, ONI).
5. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 26 Sep 09 at 0120 UTC while underway in position 13:11.57N-049:25.11E. Eight men armed with guns in two high powered boats approached the vessel, intending to board. The master raised the alarm, conducted evasive maneuvers, fired parachute flares, activated the SSAS and contacted coalition warships on VHF radio seeking assistance. Sea water was run on deck and the crew locked themselves in the bridge. The armed men began firing at the bridge before aborting the attempt when a coalition warship arrived on scene. A coalition helicopter surveyed the bulk carrier to assure no pirates were on board before the vessel resumed course (IMB).
6. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 26 Sep 09 at 0115 UTC while underway in position 13:11.95N-049:19.14E. Four armed men with guns chased and fired upon the vessel. The vessel master increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers and alerted coalition forces. The armed men fled the area upon the arrival of a coalition warship (IMB).
7. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported suspicious approach 26 Sep 09 at 0800 UTC while underway in position 12:15N-045:39E. Armed men chased the vessel until the vessel master increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, and notified coalition forces in the area. The armed men fled the area as a coalition helicopter intervened, thwarting the attempt. No injuries to the crew or damage to the ship was reported (IMB).
8. GULF OF ADEN: General cargo ship (BBC PORTUGAL) fired upon 20 Sep 09 at 1545 local time while underway in position 12:49.48N - 048:11.82E. One speed boat with seven armed men onboard approached the vessel. The master activated counter-piracy measures, and an armed security team onboard exchanged gunfire with the men in the speedboat. The speedboat aborted its attack headed towards the Yemeni coast. An Australian warship responded to the call and boarded the speedboat, confiscating their weapons before releasing them (Operator, IMB, AFP).
9. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier fired upon 19 Sep 09 at 0605 UTC while underway in position 13:52N- 051:07E. Approximately seven armed men in a six meter long, white colored skiff fired upon the vessel. They attempted to board the vessel but were unable to do so due to the evasive maneuvers and counter-piracy measures taken by the crew. The master contacted coalition forces for assistance. The men aborted the attempt upon seeing a coalition helicopter arriving at the scene. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).
10. GULF OF ADEN: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 19 Sep 09 at 0600 UTC while underway in position 13:54.2N - 051:09.8E. Approximately six armed men in a white colored speedboat attempted to attack the vessel while it was underway with a convoy of two other vessels. The master altered course and contacted coalition warships for assistance while the crew activated counter-piracy measures. The speedboat chased the vessel for 20 minutes and aborted the attempt upon arrival of a coalition helicopter (IMB).
11. GULF OF ADEN: Tanker fired upon 19 Sep 09 at 0550 UTC while underway in
position 13:52.10N - 051:04.17E. Four men armed with machine guns in a six meter long, white colored skiff, fired upon the vessel. The master raised the alarm, increased speed, took evasive maneuvers, informed ships in the vicinity and contacted coalition warships for assistance. The crew mustered and activated counter-piracy measures. A coalition helicopter arrived and the men in the skiff aborted the attack. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).
12. GULF OF ADEN: Vessel reported suspicious approach 18 Sep 09 at 0120 local time while underway in position 14:20.2N - 049:47.1E. Men in a small boat approached the vessel and came as close as five meters. The alarm was raised and the crew was alerted. The small boat eventually moved away and no further interaction was reported (IMB).
13. SOMALIA: Vessel (BARWAQO) fired upon, captain killed 24 Sep 09 while underway near the port of Mogadishu. According to local authorities, armed gangs attacked the vessel as it was heading into port. Local police were called in and an exchange in gunfire occurred in which the vessel's captain was killed. Police were able to thwart the attackers and the vessel was towed into port (AFP).
14. INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship (KOTA WAJAR) hijacked 15 Oct 09 at 0237 UTC while underway in position 01:33S - 054:52E, approximately 190NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Owners of the vessel received a call stating that the vessel has been attacked and hijacked. No further information is available at this time (AFP, UKMTO).
15. INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (GLENAN) fired upon 10 Oct 09 at 0459 UTC,
approximately 165NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Vessel reported coming under fire from two skiffs, shortly after the skiffs reportedly opened fire on the fishing vessel (DRENNEC). A security team onboard fired warning shots, forcing the skiffs to abandon the attack (AP, IMB).
16. INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (DRENNEC) fired upon 10 Oct 09 at 0359 UTC
while underway in position 02:05S - 055:58E, approximately 160NM north of Port Victoria, Seychelles. Vessel reported coming under fire from two skiffs, one white and one blue. A security team onboard the fishing vessel returned fire, forcing the skiffs to abandon the attack. Coast guard vessels from the nearby Seychelles archipelago pursued one of the skiffs and disabled the engine (AP, IMB).
17. INDIAN OCEAN: French navy vessel (SOMME) fired upon 6 Oct 09 at 2119 UTC
while underway in position 01:35N - 050:42E, approximately 320NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. One skiff with approximately six men onboard opened fire on the ship, likely mistaking the ship for a commercial vessel. The (SOMME) gave chase and captured the suspected pirates (AP, IMB).
18. INDIAN OCEAN: Vehicle carrier (HOEGH PUSAN) fired upon 4 Oct 09 at 1900 UTC while underway in position 01:47.2S - 056:07.1E, approximately 150NM north of Seychelles. Two unlit boats chased the vessel from astern and opened fire. The master increased speed, conducted evasive maneuvers, started the fire pump and switched on all deck lights. The master contacted coalition forces, increased speed, headed into the wind and activated the SSAS alarm. After approximately 10 minutes, the boats fell behind and the vessel moved away. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB, Maritime Global Net).
19. INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing vessel (ALAKRANA) hijacked 2 Oct 09 at 0345 UTC while underway in position 02:36S - 048:34E, approximately 330NM southeast of Mogadishu, Somalia. Armed pirates attacked and hijacked the vessel. The vessel is currently anchored off the coast of Harardhere (AFP, IMB).
20. INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 16 Sep 09 at 1400 UTC while underway in position 15:20N - 056:27.8E, approximately 170NM southeast of Salalah, Oman. A boat drifting on the port beam of the vessel increased speed and approached the vessel. Due to vessel's higher speed, the boat was unable to get close and eventually moved away (IMB).
21. INDIA: Bulk carrier robbed 29 Sep 09 at 0330 local time while anchored at Sagar
anchorage. The robbers boarded the vessel undetected and escaped with shipís stores. The robbery was later discovered by the duty officer and watchmen during rounds (IMB).
22. INDIA: Container ship robbed 18 Sep 09 at 0440 local time while anchored in position 21:41.80N - 088:01E, Sagar road, Kolkata. While anchored, robbers armed with knives boarded the vessel from the starboard side when the duty watchman was taking rounds on the port side. As the duty watchman came back around, the robbers threatened him with knives and stole shipís stores before escaping. Local authorities were informed (IMB).
23. BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 13 Oct 09 at 2105 UTC while anchored in
position 22:10.2N - 091:47.4E, Chittagong anchorage. Robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from the stern where one crew member was held hostage until they gained access into the steering gear room. Ship's stores and equipment were stolen before the robbers escaped in their boat. Local authorities were informed of the incident (IMB).
24. BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 3 Oct 09 at 2230 local time while anchored in position 22:00N - 091:40E, Chittagong anchorage. Approximately 10 robbers in a wooden boat approached the vessel and attempted to board. The crewís alertness and barbed wire fitting on the shipís side prevented the robbers from boarding. Local authorities were informed (IMB).
25. BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier reported attempted boarding 28 Sep 09 at 2030 local time in position 22:14.2N - 091:43.5E, Chittagong anchorage. Eight robbers in a fishing boat attempted to board the vessel when the duty AB spotted them and raised the alarm. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped with nothing stolen upon seeing the alert crew (IMB).
26. BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 27 Sep 09 at 1600 UTC while anchored in position 22:15.4N- 091:43.5E, Chittagong anchorage. The duty officer spotted one robber on the poop deck near the entrance to the rope store along with two other robbers who began to chase him armed with knives. The duty officer retreated to the main deck alerting other crew members. The crew arrived armed with crowbars and chased the robbers who jumped overboard escaping with stolen ropes (IMB).
27. BANGLADESH: Tanker robbed 27 Sep 09 at 0002 local time in position 22:11.22N-091:43.24E, Chittagong anchorage "B". Eight robbers armed with long knives boarded the product tanker from a small wooden fishing boat. The duty Bosun sighted them and informed the OOW who raised the ships alarm. The robbers threatened a crew member, cut some mooring line, and jumped into the water escaping with the stolen stores. Port control was informed of the incident (IMB).
28. BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 22 Sep 09 at 2155 local time while anchored in Chittagong anchorage. Five robbers boarded the vessel from the stern anchor when the duty seaman spotted the suspects on his rounds. Upon encountering the robbers, the duty seaman was threatened with a knife. However, he managed to escape and raise the alarm. Once the crew mustered, the robbers jumped overboard and a search revealed that the robbers had stolen ship's stores upon breaking into the steering flat. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).
29. BANGLADESH: Bulk carrier robbed 15 Sep 09 at 2200 local time while anchored in position 22:09.4N - 091:47.2E, Chittagong anchorage. Twelve robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel from the stern. They took the stern duty watchman hostage and began stealing ship's stores. The roving deck watchman noticed the robbers and informed the duty officer on the bridge. The alarm was raised and the crew alerted. When the crew approached them, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with ship's stores. Authorities were informed (IMB).
1. RED SEA: Vessel reported suspicious approach 16 Sep 09 at 1320 local time while underway in position 15:29N - 041:34E. Vessel reported being chased by two high speed boats with approximately eight people dressed in black in each boat. The approach was made from the port quarter. The vessel increased speed to maximum and conducted evasive maneuvers to put a wake between the vessel and the boats. The boats approached to within 0.5 miles before stopping, and then began drifting (Operator, IMB).
J. PERSIAN GULF: No current incidents to report.
1. MALAYASIA: Tanker (MMM KINGSTON) reported attempted boarding 14 Sep 09 at 0445 local time while anchored in position 01:18.3N - 104:12.56E, approximately 2NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Six men armed with long knives attempted to board the vessel from a speed boat. Two men attempted to board from the port quarter using a hook while the other four men waited in the speed boat. The duty watch spotted the men, ran into the accommodation and informed the duty officer. The duty officer raised the alarm, sounded the fog horn, and mustered the crew. Upon being discovered, the men aborted the boarding, jumped overboard, and fled in their speed boat. No crewmembers were injured. The ship master reported the incident to the IMB, who relayed the information to Singapore's Port Operation Control Centre (ReCAAP).
2. MALAYSIA: Tanker (PACIFIC HARMONY) reported attempted boarding 14 Sep 09 at 0240 local time while anchored in position 01:18.5N - 104:13.8E, approximately 2NM south of Tanjung Ayam. Five men attempted to board the vessel from a boat. The duty watch raised the alarm when he spotted two men using a stick with a hook attempting to board the vessel from the poop deck. The crew was alerted through the public address system. Upon hearing the alarm, the men aborted the boarding, jumped into the water, and fled in their boat. No crewmembers were injured. The ship master reported the incident to Singapore's Vessel Traffic Information System and the Port Operation Control Centre via VHF. ReCAAP Comment: The ReCAAP
ISC notes some similarities in the modus operandi of the robbers in the two incidents. Although there is no conclusive evidence as yet, it appears that the same group of robbers was probably involved (ReCAAP).
3. SINGAPORE: Tanker (LANTANA) boarded 13 Oct 09 at 0355 local time while
anchored in position 01:17N - 104:10.5E, eastern outer port limit. The navigation watch officers sighted a small boat alongside the starboard while anchored awaiting instructions from the company. The small boat was covered with a green canopy and had six men onboard. Two of the men boarded the vessel at the poop deck. The watch officers activated the general alarm and mustered all the crew. Upon hearing the alarm, the men escaped in their boat. No injuries to the crew were reported (ReCAAP).
4. INDONESIA: Tanker robbed 18 Sep 09 at 1927 UTC while anchored in position
03:55.2N - 098:45.8E, Belawan outer anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel via the forecastle by using a rope and a hook. The robbers threatened the forward duty watch who raised the alarm and retreated into the accommodation. The crew mustered and went forward to check. Upon seeing the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with shipís equipment. Attempts to contact local authorities were unsuccessful (IMB).
5. SOUTH CHINA SEA: Bulk carrier robbed 19 Sep 09 at 2230 local time in position
03:00N-105:14E, off Pulau Mangkai. Eight men armed with long knives and crowbars broke into the 2/O cabin, tied up his hands and threatened his life, forcing him to call the master. In the meantime, the C/E was also tied up. The robbers rushed into the captain's cabin and demanded the ships money. Upon receiving the money, the robbers escaped onto a long wooden skiff with the money as well as personal items belonging to the crew. The C/E and 2/O were then able to free themselves and raise the alarm. No injuries to the crew were reported (IMB).
6. SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker (PROSPECT) robbed 19 Sep 09 at 0020 local time while underway in position 03:20.01N - 105:19.50E, approximately 50NM northwest of Anambas Islands. Six men armed with knives and machetes boarded the tanker. They hit the duty officer in the head and forced him to bring them to the cabins of the captain and chief officer, who handed over cash and their personal effects. After the men left the tanker, the crew activated the ship security alert. Apart from the duty officer who suffered bruises, the other crew members were not injured. The shipping company reported the incident to Singapore's Port Operations Control Centre (ReCAAP).
7. PHILIPPINES: Container ship robbed 12 Oct 09 while berthed in Pier 5, South Harbor, Manila. An undetermined number of robbers boarded the vessel and stole equipment. Port State Control Center dispatched personnel to intercept the robbers as they fled in an unregistered motor launch towards the coastal area of Las Pinas City. Authorities were unable to capture the robbers. No one from the vessel was injured and authorities are conducting follow-up operations for the immediate arrest of the men responsible (Risk Intelligence/MaRisk).
Add to the list the hijacking of Chinese bulk carrier reported here.
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