

Friday, May 22, 2009

"News Service" says "Somali 'pirate' pleads not guilty"

The BBC, a "News Service" uses "quotation marks" (a/k/a "scare quotes") to "report" on the status of a pretrial hearing in "New York": "Somali 'pirate' pleads not guilty:
A Somali man arrested after a US captain was kidnapped has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges in a New York court, including piracy.

Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse was also charged with holding a hostage for ransom and armed hijacking.

He spoke through a translator during the brief appearance. His next hearing was set for 17 September.

His lawyers said they had difficulty communicating with him, and that he was "confused" about the situation.

Defence lawyer Phil Weinstein also said "they are giving him medications that he doesn't understand", AFP news agency reported.

It was unclear what the medication was for.
I dunno, maybe khat withdrawal? Usually drug use is used to attempt to excuse the crime ...

This kid is lucky only his compatriots died in the affair for which he is standing trial.

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