

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Somali Pirates: Pirates Grab Ship in Gulf of Aden

Reported here:
Pirates earlier today hijacked a Malta-flagged cargo ship carrying a crew of 15 Georgians and three Turks in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia, the European Union's anti-piracy mission said.

A US warship deployed a helicopter to check on the ship after several unsuccessful attemps to make contact with the Olib G, a 6,375-tonne vessel, the EU mission said in a statement.

"The helicopter was able to identify two pirates on board," the EU Naval Force Somalia (EU NAVFOR) said.

The ship had been sailing west in the internationally recommended transit corridor, an area where international navies coordinate the patrol of maritime transits, the statement said.
Update: Photo from MSC(HOA).

Update2: Map from IMB Live Piracy Report

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