

Monday, September 06, 2010

South China Sea Pirates: Chemical Tanker Robbed

From IMB's Live Piracy Report:
05.09.2010: 0305 LT: Posn: 03:14.2N – 105:17.2E: Off Mangkai Island: South China Sea.

Four pirates armed with long knives boarded a chemical tanker underway. They took hostage duty bridge crew and duty anti piracy watch crew and proceeded to masters cabin. Pirates stole ships cash and escaped. Ship sent a distress message.
This is another in a string of attacks in this area (see here), prompting an IMB warning here:
Indonesia : Anambas / Natuna / Mangkai islands area. Attacks are increasing. Pirates normally armed with guns / knives and / or machetes. Generally be vigilant in other areas. Many attacks may have gone unreported.

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