

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

11 Arrested on Terror Charges in Spain - al Qaeda Suicide Bomber Recruiters

11 Arrested on Terror Charges in Spain
Spanish police arrested 11 men Wednesday on charges of belonging to a Syrian-based group that recruits suicide bombers to attack U.S. troops in Iraq, officials said Wednesday in revealing a new facet of Spain's role as an al-Qaida staging ground.

Five other people were detained a day earlier in connection with last year's train bombings in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,500, authorities said.

More than 500 heavily armed police staged pre-dawn raids in a half dozen cities to grab the 11 alleged members of a recruiting network that has ties to Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi's terror group al-Qaida in Iraq, the Interior Ministry said.

(Hat tip: Counterterrorism Blog)

Hmm. "Syrian-based". Hmm.

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