

Friday, November 21, 2008

Somali Pirates: Latest NATO Piracy Slide (as of 18 Nov 08)

Latest NATO Shipping Centre Piracy Slide (as of 18 Nov 08) follows. I added the suspected location of MV Sirius Star, the Saudi VLCC off the coast of Haradheere, otherwise the work is all NATO's:
The latest NATO Shipping Centre Somali Piracy information from here:
The total number of commercial vessels (including one tug)hijacked in Somali waters now stands at 14; over 200 merchant seamen are held by pirates. The use of mother-ships seems to be on the rise, and potentially, vessels are hijacked with the sole intention of using them as such.

In short, the trends in latest piracy incidents are as follows:

* Targeting larger cargo / oil / gas / chemical tankers
* Approaches / attacks conducted from 2-3 small speedboats with 3-5 armed persons each. The number of boats involved in each incident seems to be increasing.
The picture should enlarge and become clearer if you click on it.

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