

Friday, August 13, 2010

Speed Bumped: The Million Dollar Speeding Ticket

Swede faces world-record million dollar speeding penalty:
A Swedish motorist caught driving at 290km/h (180mph) in Switzerland could be given a world-record speeding fine of SFr1.08m ($1m; £656,000), prosecutors say.

The 37-year-old, who has not been named, was clocked driving his Mercedes sports car at 170km/h over the limit.

Under Swiss law, the level of fine is determined by the wealth of the driver and the speed recorded.
Cheaper to buy an airplane to go that fast. And less risk to those "little people" who share the road.

Probably felt like he was only going 120mph. You know, a "safe speed."

Maybe he had a pregnant friend at home who need pickles and ice cream, "Right now!"

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