

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Somali Pirates Abandon Captured Ship

BBC reports Pirates abandon sugar ship Syria Star seized off Horn:
Pirates have abandoned a sugar cargo ship a day after seizing it in the Gulf of Aden, the EU naval task force operating off Somalia says.

Two members of the 18,838-tonne Syria Star's crew of 22 Syrians and two Egyptians were injured during the hijacking.

EU Navfor said it was giving medical assistance to the two members.
MSC(HOA) report here:
Late at night on Friday 6 August the MV SYRIAN STAR requested medical assistance for two crewmembers that were injured in the initial hijack. The MV SYRIAN STAR was hijacked on Thursday 5 August in the eastern part of Gulf of Aden and is now free. Initial reports are that the pirates left the ship of their own accord utilising one on the rescue boats.

EU NAVFOR warship FGS SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN was in the vicinity of the MV SYRIAN STAR and sent her helicopter with a medical team onboard in order to assist the vessel. On arriving on the SYRIAN STAR they found a third member of the crew who had been injured in a work related incident. FGS SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN is standing by to conduct a medical evacuation if required.

EU NAVFOR Force Commander Rear Admiral Jan Thörnqvist said: ‘It is always good to hear a hijacked ship is free and now EU NAVFOR will give the injured crew members the medical assistance they require’.

EU NAVFOR is continuing to monitor the situation.

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