

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Somali Pirates: Minelayer from Finland Breaks Up Pirate Party

Finnish Defense Forces press release (in Finnish) here.

Reported as Finnish Naval Vessel Intercepts Pirates in Arabian Sea:
FNS Pohjanmaa
The Finnish minelayer Pohjanmaa intervened in suspected pirate operations in the Arabian Sea early on Wednesday morning. The pirate vessel tried to feel the scene, but the Pohjanmaa prevented its escape by firing warning shots.

The Pohjanmaa intercepted the suspected pirates about 500 kilometres south east of Oman.

An inspection brigade from the Pohjanmaa discovered materials related to maritime piracy on board the suspect vessel. Interrogation of the 18-man crew is underway.
More at Minelayer Pohjanmaa arrests suspected pirates in Atalanta operation off Oman coast:
Reports so far indicate that the seizure of the vessel took place early on Wednesday morning, some 500 kilometres south-east from Salalah in Oman.
The suspected pirates were aboard a vessel that was towing two smaller boats behind it.
***The minelayer remains on station, attempting to determine the nature of the crew-members.
BZ, Finland!

Are you (and the pirates) beginning to see a more aggressive trend in anti-pirate operations?

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