

Friday, October 17, 2008

Nigeria: Pirates capture 8 trawlers

Nigeria has piracy issues,too, as seen here:
The menace of sea piracy mostly perpetrated by Somali pirates across the globe may have taken a devastating toll on Nigeria as eight fishing vessels with 96 crew members were taken hostage yesterday. President of Nigerian Trawler Owners Association (NITOA), Mrs. Margaret Orakwusi, who told THISDAY about the attack last night, said it took place in the early hours of yesterday. Orakwusi said the vessels were trawling at Sambrayo area of Bayelsa State when armed men suspected to be sea pirates attacked them, taking the vessels along with the crew members to an unknown destination. As at the time of filing this report, the whereabouts of the vessels and crew members were still unknown. Orakwusi said the fishing vessels belonged to NITOA members. According to her, one of the crew members on board one of the vessels, who notified the Navy about the incident, said the vessels were navigated to the deeper sea by the pirates.

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