

Monday, June 06, 2005

Guam - Navy Duty officer shot on base

According to the Navy Times an officer from USS Helena got shot while patrolling the pier:
The officer was conducting his rounds at Polaris Point’s Alpha Pier shortly after 10 p.m. Sunday when an unknown suspect allegedly shot him in the left shoulder, Chisholm said. The pier is located within the inner gate of the installation.

The officer fired back, but the suspect fled the scene. No further information about the suspect was available.
Something very odd about this...

Update: Pacific Daily News article here
Military and local officials are searching for a suspect who allegedly shot a Navy officer while he was making his rounds at Polaris Point late Sunday evening.

The officer, a lieutenant junior grade from the submarine USS Helena, sustained a small-caliber gunshot wound to the left shoulder and was taken to Naval Hospital, said Lt. Arwen Chisholm, Navy spokeswoman. He is in stable condition and was transferred to Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii yesterday, where he will undergo surgery for vascular and muscular damage. The officer's name has not been released.

Update:KUAM reports
The Navy has ruled out the possibility of an intruder being responsible for the shooting of a Navy officer watching guard of the U.S.S. Helena on Sunday night. Navy spokesperson Lieutenant Arwen Chisholm says Navy divers found the gun allegedly used in the shooting.

Officials believe the small-caliber gun belonged to the victim, but they are still trying to determine if the officer's gunshot wound to his left shoulder was self-inflicted. The officer was medically transported to Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday and remains in stable condition.

After extensive searches conducted shortly after the shooting, the Guam Police Department and the Navy agreed that the possibility of an intruder could be ruled out. The case remains under investigation.

Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Helena pulled out of port Monday afternoon after a brief shore visit.
Well, it's an explanation, though not one that provides much comfort. The officer had his own pistol he apparently carried with him on the sub? That doesn't seem like a good idea and only violates about 6 gazillion regulations. I wonder if we'll get the "rest of the story."

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